Regina, Saskatchewan - An Ultra Modern City. The first thing noticed by tourists to Regina, Saskatchewan is the enormous dome of blue sky overhead. Filled with fluffy white clouds drifting by, Regina is the epitome of an ultra modern city. This is most apparent in a first glance at the city's towering buildings. Gleaming in brilliant sunlight, the business district's towers are the highlight of scenic visits to this city.
Historically, Regina was named for Queen Victoria whose full name was Victoria Regina. Regina is the second largest of Saskatchewan's provincial cities. The warehouse district in the northern party of Regina is also part of this city's history.
Regina's Hardy Population. The population of Regina numbers nearly 200,000, most of whom choose to live in the metropolitan area rather than the urban area. Long time residents recall that in 1912 this ultra modern city was destroyed by a cyclone. Yet, Regina's hardy population so love their city, it was rebuilt to more advanced standards than before. In many ways, visitors find this city to be the perfect modern agricultural society. Saskatchewan's long history in agricultural provides a solid foundation for advancement in farming and agriculturally related businesses.
Regina, an Educational Hub and Business Metropolis. Located in the southern portion of provincial Saskatchewan, Regina enjoys ongoing expansion of its commercial base. Residential neighborhoods like The Crescents and Lakeview are tucked conveniently away from the more urban city center. Regina's Albert Street Bridge is a stunning attraction as is the Wascana Creek. It lies near the Albert Street Bridge and is replete with a waterfall and provides boating and winter skating for adults and children. Residents find housing in Regina relatively affordable and schools in abundance. Residences are arranged neatly on impeccably maintained streets. Regina is considered a bedroom community, ideal for potential home buyers.