Property types in Winnipeg

Winnipeg - The Heart of Canada. Winnipeg is the capital and chief city of Manitoba, located in central Canada at the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red rivers, just 38 miles south of Lake Winnipeg. Lake Winnipeg is 65 miles north of the border of the United States. Winnipeg may just be the heart of Canada, given its geographical central position. Winnipeg was first settled by Sieur de la Vervendrye when he built Fort Rouge in 1738. Later, this would be the site of Fort Gibraltar in 1805. After Fort Rouge was abandoned, the Hudson Bay Company established a trading post and erected the stockade known as Fort Douglas. Since Lord Selkirk had major controlling interests in the Hudson Bay Company, he brought Scottish settlers to farm fertile land in the Red River Valley, from whence a small colony grew. Fort Gibraltar was later renamed Fort Garry and became the chief post for the fur trade and farmers in the district. Part of Winnepeg's history includes rival trading companies contesting control of the area. In 1835, Fort Garry became renamed "Winnipeg." In 1873, Canada incorporated Winnipeg as a city and by 1881; construction of the Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR) was chiefly the reason for the city's expansion and role as Central Canada's leader in commerce.

Education - Winnipeg's Greatest Asset. Although Winnipeg's economic stability is attributed to its keen commercial advancements, education is also its greatest asset. The University of Manitoba is Winnipeg's principal institution of higher learning. Residents of Winnipeg highly prize the educational advancements made by their educational sector. As with many Canadian provinces, railroads and are a major support for transporting goods and passenger travel. In Manitoba, transportation is excellent. Winnipeg is located adjacent to Manitoba's "Wheat Belt," and offers inexpensive and abundant supplies of electricity to residents.

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