Property types in London

Connecting City Lines in London, Ontario. The geography of London, Ontario has allowed the city to remain a strategic location between Canada and the United States. It is an equal distance between Detroit, Michigan in the United States and Toronto in Canada. The commerce, trade and the development of the economic and artistic systems in the area have allowed it to continue to develop and thrive for centuries.

London, Ontario was occupied by Native Americans for over 10,000 years. It was not settled by Europeans until the late 1800s, being re-named to London in honor of the European capital. The settlement of the city led to a variety of communities surrounding the area as well as development into various institutions. It is known for holding a large number of educational and governmental bodies, as well as health development centers that are at the cutting - edge for assistance to the community.

The landmark of London is the Thames River, specifically because it divides and moves in a variety of directions at this point. Many state that the river can't be traced beyond this point. The area of London is divided by the North and South side of the River to create different neighborhoods connected by the governmental body. Festivals, high - end sports and entertainment have all gained national and international recognition based on the development of the area.

A continuously thriving community in Canada is marked by London. The high - end technology, medical sector, rising commerce and the link between North America and Canadian culture has allowed this area to continue to develop as a strong community. Those residing in this area are able to enjoy the diverse lines that keep it as a connecting city.

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