Property types in Brantford

Living in Brantford Ontario. If you like the idea of living in a modern city with deep historical roots, then Brantford is for you. The history of the city goes all the way back to the 18th century, and is also home to one of the most important technological innovations of the 19th century. After finding out what the area has to offer, there is a good chance that the city will be the ideal place for you to live.

Historic Events. Brantford was first settled by colonists from the Six Nations Tribes during the 18th century. These colonists from the state of New York first began to develop the area and were shortly joined by people moving from the English colonies. Along the way, people from other nations also began to settle in the area.

You will find it interesting that Brantford can also lay claim to being the place where the first telephone was developed. The family of Alexander Graham Bell lived in an area just outside Brantford known as Tutela Heights, and it was there that he developed the idea for the telephone in 1974.

The Economy. For much of its history, Brantford was a manufacturing town. That began to change in the 1980’s as many of the leading manufacturers began to close their doors. Since that, time different industries have come to town and created a more stable job market for local residents.

The Ambiance. With just under 100,000 residents, Brantford offers a nice blend of small town life with the conveniences of a larger city. Along with a wide range of restaurants and shopping opportunities, the city also offers several museums, community theatres, and concert venues. For higher education, the city offers extension campuses of Wilfried Laurier University and Nipissing University. Both are made available through the auspices of the Laurier Brantford campus.

Homes in Brantford. The city offers a nice selection of older homes that are ideal for people who enjoy the graceful styles of decades past. Newer planned neighborhoods also offer the latest in home designs to those who prefer a more contemporary look. Many areas offer easy access to parks, schools, and houses of worship.

Evolution of houses for sale prices in Brantford

$ 5,944/m² Average price per m²
$ 849,900 Average value of houses
$ 5,944/m² Price per m² of houses in Brantford in December 2024
-1.5 % Evolution compared to November 2024
+1180.9 % Evolution compared to January 2024
+1180.9 % Evolution compared to December 2023